First Morning in Barcelona

It's 9:30am and the sounds of loud crashing glass is so elegantly blaring through our window. Most mornings this may be a rather unpleasant way to get out of bed, but we've been awake for three hours. I guess that may be the jet lag, or maybe we just really want to "carpe diem". Oh wait, that's latin and we are in Spain. Maybe we should work on our Spanish now that we're here. More on that later. Our trip to get here wasn't too rough. Princess Abby, (who never can sleep on planes, she claims), managed to sleep the majority of our flight from Phoenix to London. I decided to catch the rest of the Z's on our much shorter flight from London to Barcelona. Regardless, we made it, we are alive, and we were hungry. As we are (slowly) acclimating ourselves to the Spanish culture we decided as our first meal to grab a table at the Hard Rock Cafe. A few burgers later (hers was of course a cauliflower burger) we turned in for the night.
Today we are running through some errands including getting a storage locker for two of our suitcases and a Spanish phone plan for the next few months. Tomorrow morning we fly from Barcelona to Athens. Then, our real travel begins before our semester of school starts and we will begin beings tourists and sharing more experiences.