The Aristocats at the Acropolis
Throughout history the class of aristocracy in Europe has been affiliated with status and privileges just below royalty. In other words, it meant being higher and more mighty than the average non-aristocrat. Yesterday as Abby and I ventured up the Acropolis towards the Parthenon we came across many vagabond cats. I couldn't help but stop and observe the fact that these kittens had no idea what history they were laying atop. And when I say atop, I literally mean at the top. For those of you who have never been, the Parthenon sits on the top of the large hill at the Acropolis. For any person it is definitely a little hike up that surely takes half an hour. For a little cat? It's a trek. As I sit now and type this I still stop to reflect in amazement at how they were all the way at the top. It's incredible, but for now, moving on from the "aristo"cats.

Incase it hasn't been made clear, Abby is not in Iowa anymore. Yesterday we arrived in Athens, Greece. But don't worry they sell corn on the street here too! In a big world, you can always find a piece of home. After our first european public transportation stint of our semester (riding the bus from the airport to our hotel in Athens) we stopped for some food before heading to the ancient sites. And let me tell you, greek food is even better in Greece. (Who would of guessed that?)

Today we spent the day wandering around Athens without a plan. They say the best way to learn a new city is by getting lost in it. We ended up in the Athens Flea Market which was a very cool experience and led to a few purchases. After, (warning: more food) Abby spotted a rooftop bar and cafe so we moseyed on over. It was at this point that we discovered contrary to popular belief the higher you are in elevation, the view turns out to be even better (Go figure). We enjoyed a pre-lunch adult beverage followed by some more fantastic greek cuisine overlooking an incredible view of Athens and the Parthenon.

Newsflash: news doesn't travel as fast over here apparently. For those of you who follow the sports world, you may have noticed that NBA players Kyrie Irving and Isaiah Thomas were traded for each other yesterday. (Don't worry I still have ESPN on my phone while abroad). Today while in the Flea Market I saw a shop selling Isaiah Thomas Celtics jerseys. Thomas, who was traded, is no longer a Boston Celtic. In the United States when a player gets traded it is customary that the price of their jersey drops when they are no longer on that team. When I attempted to barter with the salesman today, it appears that is not the norm here. Either that or he didn't even really know who Isaish Thomas was. Regardless his loss, I didn't even really want the jersey anyway.

Athens has been awesome, now were looking forward to going to the islands. Our first stop in the islands is Mykonos. Tomorrow morning at 7am we aboard a ferry through the Aegean Sea. I hate boats, lets see how this goes.